Aim\nThis paper is a secondary data analysis to investigate relationships among caregiver\nstress appraisal, self-rated health and health-related Internet use.\nDesign\nCross-sectional correlation design.\nMethods\nNational Alliance for Caregiving telephone survey conducted in the USA was a\nprimary data source collected in 2009 from 258 caregivers of persons with\ndementia, who used the Internet to perform care-giving tasks. Based on Pearlin�s\nStress Process Model, structural equation modelling was conducted.\nResults\nCaregivers with poor health reported higher levels of caregiver stress appraised,\nwhich was associated with more Internet use for health-related purposes. It is\nrequired to develop effective Internet-based resources to meet the needs of\nhighly stressed caregivers of persons with dementia. However, there was no\nrelationship between self-rated health and health-related Internet use in dementia\ncaregiver.